On-the-Job Accidents

Free Consultation

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Accidents can happen in any work environment, including office buildings. However, when certain work environments that include large operating equipment or create dangerous conditions are present, the potential for a serious, life-threatening accident increase significantly. If you are injured on-the-job, it is very important to consult with us as soon as possible after an accident.

Know Your Rights

Our attorneys are licensed to practice law in several states. We can help you even if an accident happened outside of New Mexico. Under New Mexico law, an injured worker or surviving family members, if a death occurs, may be entitled to compensation.

The laws in each state and the insurance coverage available will determine the compensation options you may have. You will need the assistance of an attorney experienced in litigating on-the-job accident cases to handle these complex issues and advocate for you against the responsible party trying to avoid their responsibility for the injury or death.

Which Insurance Will Apply To Your Case?

In New Mexico, workers’ compensation laws govern how injuries or a death due to on-the-job accidents that happen at work, or on-the-job, are compensated. Workers’ compensation laws, while helpful, are very pro-employer. Over the years, the legislature has steadily chipped away at benefits for injured workers covered by worker’s compensation and the amount of protection offered.

The concept behind workers’ compensation insurance is that employers received the benefit of knowing that injured workers or surviving family members cannot sue employers directly, for negligence. In exchange, workers received the benefit of knowing that they will receive a minimum amount of compensation for lost wages, medical care reimbursement and a payout for any resulting permanent injury or death.

Employers who do not have worker’s compensation insurance are responsible for the injuries of their employees and it is important to contact us as soon as possible to consult regarding your on-the-job injury or death of a family member.