Calculating the damages related to brain injury cases can be very complicated. You will need to discuss with your attorney the potential negligence that resulted in your injury, whether a settlement can be reached, or if a personal injury lawsuit may be the right option.

As with all areas of personal injury, you may be able to collect monetary compensation for costs of therapy and medical visits, loss of income, reduced quality of life, and the pain you’ve suffered.

Contact us at 915-544-0100 to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.

Traumatic Brain Injury


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A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can diminish the quality of a person’s life for its entire duration. It can also adversely affect the lives of loved ones by placing the burden of care on them while stealing the joy of their relationship. What were everyday routine functions can become difficult or impossible. Motor skills, cognitive skills, verbal communication and other abilities, once taken for granted, are suddenly stolen without warning. This is often due to the negligence or malice of another individual or group.

Symptoms May Not Be immediate

It is important to note that the signs of TBI may not be immediately apparent. Depending on the severity of the brain injury symptoms can develop over several days or even weeks after the event. To be on the conservative side it is best to speak to your doctor if you notice any behavioral or physical changes following significant trauma. A thorough neurological examination or a brain imaging scan can reveal any damage to the brain. However, a neurological exam or MRI do not necessarily reveal damage. In fact, the brain is a highly complex and a highly particularized case by case plan is necessary to adequately determine whether or not TBI has occurred.

Pursuing a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawsuit

After a traumatic brain injury, the most important is to immediately seek medical attention and become a good note taker on the symptoms the victim is experiencing. Next, hire a competent and knowledgeable TBI attorney.

An experienced traumatic brain injury attorney can help you secure the compensation you deserve for current and future expenses, including:

How to Proceed with a Personal Injury Claim for a TBI

Although it is not physically seen, the effects of brain injuries are far reaching. If you were injured in a car accident — or other type of accident — and believe that you may have sustained a brain injury, it’s important to maintain medical records and document the effects of the injury on your daily life in a journal.

Calculating the damages related to brain injury cases can be very complicated. You will need to discuss with your attorney the potential negligence that resulted in your injury, whether a settlement can be reached, or if a personal injury lawsuit may be the right option.

As with all areas of personal injury, you may be able to collect monetary compensation for costs of therapy and medical visits, loss of income, reduced quality of life, and the pain you’ve suffered.